During most of the last ten years, I’ve been living on the other side of the world, in countries like Siam, Java, and Bali. And while the Western world accepts the clash of ideologies between Russia and America as the...
Once I saw a motto in my aunt’s house which said, Disce ut Semper Victurus Vive ut Cras Moriturus. This means: learn as though you will live always, live as though you will die tomorrow. I couldn’t read Latin then,...
As a teacher of psychology, it is my job to try to help students understand what we call human nature. It is not surprising that students are quick to sense the fact that our understanding of human beings, while progressing,...
I believe that all men are the same. This cherished ideal is the consequence of years of association, as an educator, with people of all racial and culture groups. It is also, I contend, a belief that is synonymous with...
At one time in my life I wrote a great deal about crime and criminals. I don’t know how many criminals I came to know personally while I was a newspaper man, and how many of them I could truthfully...
This I Believe Essay: Like many English people, I rather shrink from any public affirmation of my beliefs. But I cannot easily distinguish a statement of what I believe from the aims that I set before myself and the things...
Whether the hand I grasp in friendship is the same color as mine, whether the soul I court feels the need of the same creed I endorse or not, it makes no difference; for my new acquaintance is important in...
It has always seemed to me that those beliefs which have shaped my life come from two sources. One is a faith that does not ask for proof. The other is personal experience, the lessons that can be learned only...
I think the center of my faith is an absolute certainty of good. Like everyone else, I get low and there are times when I feel as if I have my fins on backwards and am swimming upstream in heavy...