

January 1, 1950

This I Believe

I believe that in back of the position my country occupies in today’s world is an ultimate purpose. World leadership is not ours by accident, nor did we seize it by conquest. It is entrusted to us to see if...
January 1, 1950

Dictators Cannot Kill It

As I walked with Dr. Albert Schweitzer through his remarkable hospital, deep in the African jungle at Lambarene and French Equatorial Africa, and watched his expressive, kindly face as he paused and talked with an elderly native patient, and again...
January 1, 1950

To Contribute to Each Other

I believe in seeking out life’s fundamental values and placing my faith in them, and I believe in the importance and essential goodness of all mankind. To me, the fundamental values range from such ordinary miracles as childbirth to the...
January 1, 1950

This I Believe

I believe many more people want to do right than do wrong. They are misty on what constitutes doing right, but generally they and I believe that truth, beauty, justice, and love are to be preferred to falsehood, ugliness, injustice,...