

March 18, 2015

Customer Service

I believe in customer service - because it matters. Customer service is grounded in respect for the other person. Their needs. Customer service is about kindness, patience, and yes even love. I never gave much thought to customer service until...
October 14, 2014

Finding a Cure

I believe in being a gentleman and that it is up to us, as men, whether chivalry is dead or alive in our world. When I look around and see what men have become in today’s society, it makes me...
October 8, 2014

Food and the planet

I believe that food has the power to create beautiful relationships between humans and the environment they dwell in. The earth is what provides people with this gift, and I believe that if humans create a strong culture surrounding the...
September 3, 2014

A Relentless Humility

Humility is a quality that I have grown to appreciate as time passes by. Whether it be from encounters I have personally experienced, or observing the egotism of others on television/the Internet, the importance of working hard but staying humble...
July 8, 2014

This I Believe

Growing up, my brothers and sisters and I were taught manners. We were taught how to speak properly. Meanwhile we began to learn the value of respect. In school, showing it was one of the most hardest. Having people say...
June 26, 2014


I believe leadership is a residual effect of understanding what motivates people to achieve a common goal. In my experience I have been privalidged to be born in a time and place that is rich in culture, creed, ethnicity, and...
June 26, 2014


I believe in honor. I am a proud father and want the best for my child. I strive to be and wish my daughter to be a person of honor. I see that many “leaders” today have no honor and...
June 19, 2014

I Believe in Consideration of Others

I believe in being considerate of others. Have you ever gone to a store or restaurant driving down the isle of the parking lot and people are just walking right down the middle of the isle? Even though they turn...
June 10, 2014

I Believe in Respect

Isn’t it funny how when you treat someone as rude as they treat you, they get mad? Sometimes I feel that people don’t really know how they are coming across to other people; this must be the reason why they...