

April 14, 2005

This I Believe

You know being black isn't a fad, its a culture, but to me being black is about being strong. Black people have made many contributions to the world everyday. So, how come they are not being recognized? Everyday when I'm...
April 12, 2005

This I Believe

This I Believe As a school teacher, I am place in a unique position. I'm often the first Asian that many of my students have ever interacted with in a meaningful way. Of course, I'm not the first Asian they've...
April 12, 2005

This I Believe

As an institutionally educated, financially successful, yet poverty born and street bred black man I believe I am my own worst enemy. In addition, I am easily misunderstood because I am difficult to categorize and define. On the whole, I...
April 7, 2005

This I Believe

At the beginning of the World Series of 1947, I experienced a completely new emotion, when the National Anthem was played. This time, I thought, it is being played for me, as much as for anyone else. This is organized...
January 1, 1950

The Unimportant Differences

As long as I can remember, I have been bored with landscapes. I couldn’t look at a picture, a photograph, or a view with much interest, unless somewhere there were people or something that indicated they were there or soon...
January 1, 1950

This I Believe

I have been privileged over twenty years to search the mind and heart of perhaps the greatest human figure of all time. No one could walk so long with Lincoln and not feel a touch of his spirit. Much of...
January 1, 1950

This I Believe

In trying to tell what I believe, it seems easier to begin by telling how I came by my belief. Since the dawn of history, man has tried to find the answers to three key questions in life: where do...
January 1, 1950

The Courage to Change the Things I Can

Basic in my life have been these beliefs: that there are some things for which I am not responsible, some I cannot change, and some I can. Around recognition and acceptance of these facts, I have tried to build a...
January 1, 1950

This I Believe

I picture success as being synonymous with happiness. I liken success in life as a climb up a ladder, with each step being necessary in order to have a firm foundation below us when we reach the top of our...