I believe that, the color of ones skin should not be a concern. America has come a long way with racism, and equality. Being a different race does not show the person inside. I believe in the saying “don’t judge...
I believe in us. That sentence may not ring of complexity, nor scream “I am philosophical! Look at me! Yearn to understand my meaning! Ponder!” it says what it says. I believe in us. I believe in you, me, the...
Chino, China, Chinese, FOB, Wetback, and Nigger all have one thing in common. They are stereotypical and/or racist names. Not saying all stereotypes are unacceptable but they are not agreeable. These names are given to us based on where we...
From an early age, I understood that no two people are alike. If you were to compare two people, you may in fact find that some overlaying traits may be similar. However, if you were to delve deeper into the...
We are all at war with each other and ourselves because of all the inequality and discrimination towards one another. Take a look at all the wars, the Holocaust and other genocides, suicides, murders, and hate crimes. There’s the key...
I believe that all men are created equal. This statement says a lot because it does not mean in the simple sense of having two arms, legs, hands, etc. To me, it means in the sense that every man has...
The problems with everyday life: the race of your partner. Why? Because people believe it's a problem. Should it be? No. God put all races here on this earth for a reason. It's diversity. It's love by the heart not...
Going to a predominantly white school I was confused as to why I looked different. One day I came home and asked why I am a different color? My parents explained to me that my father was black and my...
If I had a soda for every time I heard, “You’re only smart because you’re Asian,” I’d be pre-diabetic by now. The worst thing is perhaps that such judgments are not limited to my non-Asians peers but they are becoming...