Iraq War veteran Michael J. Whitehead shares some of the lessons he learned on the battlefield in Iraq, about the strength of the Iraqi people, and the importance of leaving the country in better shape than he found it.
Although born and raised in England, writer Andrew Sullivan turns to America’s Declaration of Independence to find his beliefs rooted in the principles of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
As a Naval aviator, Congressman, and parent, John McCain was guided by a belief in honor, faith, and service. They are values he tried to model for his children and future generations of Americans. He died on August 25, 2018.
Professor and attorney Michael Mullane believes the rule of law must be upheld — even in times of threat and crisis. As fragile as it can be, Mullane says we are all protected by and accountable to the law.
There is a unique cultural myth in our country that ignorance is better than knowledge, that blind beliefs are the essence of real folks, that learning and critical thinking are the phony attributes of snobs. I am reminded of my...
When Sozi Tulante was only a boy, he and his family fled the Congo and found themselves in the United States, where they were able to start a new life. Mr. Tulante believes in the country that granted them political asylum, and he believes in the city that welcomed them home.
When I was in 7th grade, my civics teacher in Broken Bow, Nebraska, distributed dog-eared copies of a book called “Old Jules.” Written by Mari Sandoz, it’s the story of her father, a Swiss pioneer hell-bent on settling the Nebraska...
For as long as I can remember I have had a herd of family members at every family function or event ever imaginable. I would be that kid who always would have their family members come in fashionably late to...
Imagine a quiet evening in the countryside. It’s almost midnight, and everyone is lying down to bed. Scarcely a sound can be heard, save for the rustle of leaves, the soft mooing of cattle, and the scuttle of nighttime creatures....