government & constitution


May 20, 2012

Restrict, Don’t Prohibit

As a child, my father always kept a 9mm handgun under the bed. The firearm was always in his reach in case the time arose for him to use it. Our first house was decently small containing two bedrooms a...
May 7, 2012

The Great Decline

Have you taken time to look at our country lately? The United States of America is declining. Our once great government has been corrupt by its own power and money. Our past congress, senate, and presidential leaders were righteous men...
March 29, 2012

Duty and the Less-Beaten Path

Stone-faced, I sat in the courtroom and stared ahead, drowning out the sobs coming from the victim’s family. I ignored the hushed sniffles of the prosecutors who had come to watch the judge hand down the sentence. I muted my...
January 2, 2012

To Teach is to Cultivate the Capacity to Dream

I believe that teaching is cultivating the capacity to dream: it is about empowering the next generation with the tools to imagine, negotiate, and build a better tomorrow. To undertake liberal education is to explore hundreds of years of struggle,...
December 27, 2011

Compromise and Moderation

I believe that there is always room for compromise and that things are best in moderation. The politics in our country have lost their purpose and have become so polluted that they cause more problems for the country than good....
December 14, 2011

Courtesy of America

Learning about world history as I progressed through school, I’d hear stories about how civilians were forced to abide by the specific religion set in a country by the ruling monarch. Coming into the United States, immigrants have found relief...
November 30, 2011

Religion and Politics

Due to personal experiences, I believe that religion should have nothing to do with politics, since it can have a great affect on people’s everyday lives. Religion, no matter of which kind, has affected this world in many different ways....
November 28, 2011


The truth of the matter is that we do not live in a perfect world and I do believe that it will never be so. Perfect is something that in my mind can never be achieved, just sought after. Yes...
November 5, 2011

Liberty and Justice for All

My dad represents criminal defendants for a living. He represents accused robbers, murderers, and people who drive drunk. He represents people who have been in trouble with the law their entire lives, as well as teenagers who have made one...