

September 20, 2010

Wisdom, Humility, Optimism, and Prayer

I believe in wisdom, humility, optimism, and prayer. Wisdom is different than knowledge. There is a quote that says, ”Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.” I admire presidents like Franklin D. Roosevelt, who organized his White House staff to provide him...
September 19, 2010

This I believe about Democracy

I came from a small country called Kyrgyzstan which used to be a part of the Soviet Union. As such it was a communist country, but became democratic in 1991. As compared with the U.S., the democracy in Kyrgyzstan was...
September 6, 2010

Mi hija, Mi hijo (My daughter, My son)

I believe in creating a world where people are loved. Where students can go to schools that are hate-free. Where teachers are not fired simply because they are gay, or branded as pedophiles who use teaching as a ruse for...
September 5, 2010

I believe we are moving forward in wisdom

There is an underling currant that is whirling around my mind as I sit and ponder modern day America and American culture. On one hand I feel very proud to be a citizen of this country. My mother and father...
August 30, 2010

Perfecting a More Perfect Union

My father was a 100 percent disabled veteran of World War II. He left home a healthy man in the prime of life and returned seriously disabled by a broken back during a training accident. My earliest memories are of...
August 17, 2010

Corporations and their Destruction of America

I believe that corporations will take over the world. In some cases corporations seem to run the government, schools, healthcare, etc. The whole idea is to make money and people buy into it hook line and sinker. People believe these...
August 13, 2010

Teacher’s Can Make A Difference

I can hear my teacher now, “Nanette, if you don’t quit pointing at those words, I am going to call your Mother!” This came after having my hand slapped with a ruler daily, because I would point at the words...
August 2, 2010

Preamble to a Manifesto

A spectre is haunting America—the spectre of the public option. All the powers of old Congress have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Conservative and Moderate, Centralist and Independent; Joseph Lieberman. Where are those in opposition that...
July 14, 2010

Pro Choice

           This I Believe       I believe people should always have options and be able to make their own choices. People should be able to choose their own religion, hair color to what they’re having for lunch. I believe that...