

January 1, 1950

The Devine Spark

From the 1950s series, Lord Walter Thomas Layton, British economist, newspaperman and statesman, says there is no greater sin than when men “distort and mutilate the minds of their fellow men and bend them to their will by every device of modern science.”
January 1, 1950

The People Know

I believe in people. Their accomplishments as members of the society created through centuries of courageous trial and heartbreaking errors merit belief in individual thinking and the right to do so. Mankind has made astonishing progress in a few millennia....
January 1, 1950

This I Believe

I believe that basic values from our rich cultural heritage contain all the ingredients needed to solve the problems that plague our modern world. From the ancient Greeks came our belief in the importance of intellectual honesty and free inquiry....
January 1, 1950

This I Believe

Children need faith to give them a sense of security. Therefore, they choose to believe. As a child, my parents taught me to believe in the basic decency of those around me, to treat everyone as I would like to...
January 1, 1950

Religion Is Indispensable

I regard the brotherhood of mankind as the basis of any true religion and, for that matter, the basis of any true democracy. Belief in the worth and dignity of the individual is entwined with the idea of human brotherhood....
January 1, 1950

This I Believe

While both experience and formal education have conditioned me to modern logic, I find it insufficient to sustain me in the many opinions, conclusions, and practical decisions incident in normal living. So faith became a necessary and comforting complement to...
January 1, 1950

“Success” Is a Failure

I believe in dynamic democracy. By this, I mean a democracy broad enough to encompass all human relationships, from the individual to the eternal, in a framework that keeps always in sight—regardless of momentary success or failure—liberty, equality, and brotherhood....
January 1, 1950

This I Believe

I have a family crest that goes back a long, long time. On it, this message is symbolically inscribed: “Be straight as an arrow in your dealings with men. Always look forward and up. Never despair. As long as the...
January 1, 1950

Traitors or Heroes?

There are some subjects that simply ask to be bogged down in meaningless generalities. This is one of them. You can say, for instance: "I believe in the good, the beautiful and the true." And when you have said it,...