Although born and raised in England, writer Andrew Sullivan turns to America’s Declaration of Independence to find his beliefs rooted in the principles of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
When citizens in Michael Seifert’s Texas border town couldn’t get respect from local elected officials, they didn’t get angry. They got organized. Seifert and his neighbors discovered that voting was the best tool they had to improve to their community.
Professor and attorney Michael Mullane believes the rule of law must be upheld — even in times of threat and crisis. As fragile as it can be, Mullane says we are all protected by and accountable to the law.
Therapist Robin Mize comes from a mixed family: most are conservative and some are liberal. Despite their political differences, though, they are bound by love for each other. Mize believes it’s important for all of us to be able to peaceably disagree.
I began working in public radio, at this station, 25 years ago. In many ways, I’ve changed, and so has the station, but the values that guide our work have not changed; these values have deepened over time and seem...
I believe in the inherent dignity of all human beings and the access of each one to equality in opportunity, social institutions and recourse to justice. I reiterate this inherent believe in equality inspired by the dedication of the memorial...
I believe that the government should take away less money in taxes. He is using the money he takes from our pay checks to buy the strangest things. A few things the government buys with the money are goods for...
The democratic reform is sweeping across North Africa and the Middle East. But this reform would mean little unless there is a progress in social, cultural, economic, and political structures. In most countries in the developing world, progress is driven...
When I was young, I was an argumentative child. My parents would ban me from going with them to grocery stores in the hopes of my not using my first-grade vocabulary skills to convince them to buy me candy. But...