

March 17, 2005

This I Believe

When I was 22 years old I declared I was an atheist. It was my senior year in college and my life was full of uncertainty. Would I find a good job? Would I find the love of my life?...
February 22, 2005

The Silence of Death

Death has become an embarrassment. For some reason, western society reveres the dead in hushed tones and silent tears. At birth, our families hold their collective breaths until they hear us howl. During that moment, our infant selves are saying,...
January 1, 1950

This I Believe

It has helped me at critical times to be able to say about some things, “This I believe.” It has helped too—and no less importantly, I think—in the business of everyday living, with its little problems and frustrations and defeats,...
January 1, 1950

This I Believe

I do not believe in individual immortality, in the orthodox or conventional sense. Such a belief may afford consolation to the bereaved and comfort to the disappointed, but I would rather repeat the credo of Albert Hubbard: “I believe in...
January 1, 1950

This I Believe

I’d like to begin with the things I don’t believe. I don’t believe in the accidental theories of creation and evolution. I can’t believe that a couple of atoms accidentally bumping into each other billions of years ago, and a...
January 1, 1950

This I Believe

If someone had asked me a year ago what I believed in, I could not have answered, partly because I had done very little serious thinking to find out what I did believe, partly because I was going through about...
January 1, 1950

This I Believe

A symbol of what I believe today came to me years ago when I was too young to understand it fully. With the pessimism of youth, I thought that I doubted life, and I sank into a dark center of...
January 1, 1950

This I Believe

When I look back in search of those experiences from which the values of my life come, I see one picture, like an old painting, clearly set against the background of a golden April day. A 4-year-old, who must be...
January 1, 1950

This I Believe

I believe that the greatest pleasures in life come from simple things—a desert flower, a shaded babbling brook, a friendly “good morning,” a beautiful painting, solitude, the song of a bird, or even more plebian things such as hot biscuits...