My name is Cameron, and I believe Jesus Christ is the foundation of my life. Looking back to just three years ago, I see myself as a stereotypical teenager — rebellious, self-seeking, and cynical; a few characteristics assumed to be...
Ever since I was little, I was saved. I believe God created this Earth. I believe Christ died for me and everyone else who has lived and are living on this Earth to this day. And I believe in the...
I believe in Jesus Christ. I wondered about making that statement in this essay, because it sounded so cliché. However to be honest it was what I needed to write. It has become the very core of my life. My...
I believe in redemption. Despite this belief, I actually had to look the word up in the dictionary in preparing this essay. Seriously. Not because I don’t have a working knowledge of its meaning, but more to just make sure....
I believe that God will bestow his love and protection onto those who desire it. Being born into a catholic family, I was introduced to God’s existence at an early age. I remember going to church with my grandmother every...
I believe that anyone can change. Many times in my life I have heard people say “I can’t change because of where I’ve came from” or “I was raised this way, so I can’t change”. So many times in life...
I believe in God’s hand in my life. Although 16 years may not be a very long time in the eyes of an adult, it can still certainly be long enough to have the experiences that can shape a person’s...
I believe having a relationship with God is important. I was raised Catholic, told what to believe, and brought to the church my parents thought was best for me. Church was never an event that I looked forward to. I...
“God has given us everything including life, and yet we refuse to live according to his word”. I have heard that growing up from my mom who always reminds us to “gives thanks”, “be thankful”, “humble yourself,” and “have faith”....