brotherhood & friendship


June 2, 2015

A Paper Crane

When it comes to crane, most people would connect it with some words like beautiful, graceful and so on. People also fold paper into the shape of crane. I like the paper crane not only because of it beauty, but...
April 2, 2015

Governor’s School

The Governor’s School for Math, Science, and Technology is described as a unique opportunity for high school students to immerse themselves in these subjects. When I signed up for computer programming, I expected to learn about coding. What I hadn’t...
March 18, 2015

My Old Address Book

I can’t remember the last time I lifted one of the small black letter tabs to retrieve an address or phone number in my forty-year-old address book. The brown plastic cover has a small tear, and the pages, bent at...
March 2, 2015

Finding Our Lost Friends.

I believe in the imaginary friend. I can remember my days as a boy, wandering through the forests and kingdoms of my mind. Many times, I would venture with a few faithful comrades, and other times with an army of...
February 19, 2015

A True Friend

I believe true friendship is a hard find, though once discovered it should never be let go. At the ripe age of thirteen, the most awkward stage of my life, I had absolutely no style, sense of who I was,...
January 20, 2015

The Reason of Happiness in Life

I believe that family and friends are the reason of happiness in people’s life. When you are alone and feeling you need someone, they will be there for you and always take care of you. Having people like them around...
December 16, 2014

The Value of Friendship

I believe in the value of friendship. Not that fly by night kind, or a what can I get from you kind, but a friendship that has been tested by time. Let me share my personal account of a valued...
October 29, 2014

Taking a Leap of Faith

I believe that people should live beyond their comfort zone. People should test their limits and be bold. I spent a week working in a village in Honduras this summer and at times it was extremely uncomfortable and awkward, but...
October 14, 2014

Our Story

The aroma of burning food is sickening, tons of dirty dishes scatter the floor, slimy and sticky from their contents. I know it’s not that big of a deal, just some dirty dishes and burnt batter-but i keep thinking it’s...