

July 28, 2013

Unconditional love

Unconditional love is complete and has no restrictions. I never understood why my mother would always say “I love you; unconditionally.” I knew what unconditional love was but I had no idea what it was like to love someone unconditionally,...
March 6, 2013

Your Parents’ Love

Everyone has something that comes to their mind when they are in a certain situation. For a teenager it may be their cellphone or iPod. It is probably different for every person; however, it is identical for every parents. I...
November 20, 2012

The Power of Friendship

I believe in the awesome and magical power of friends. Friends will always be there for you no matter what is going on. Friends support you and you share experiences with them that strengthen your relationships with them. All of...
November 2, 2012

Considering Adoption

A single mother living in a public housing project with her two birth children, Susie Green decided to open up her home, and her heart, to an energetic toddler who needed a family.
June 28, 2012

Daily Dose of Joy

Three years ago, my life changed when I became a mother. Although I was awestruck and completely in love with my son, I suffered from postpartum depression. I cried over stains on baby clothes, obsessed about baby spit-up, worried endlessly...
June 26, 2012

The Most Influential Person in My Life

Sweat dripped down her face as her body trembled. She had a mixture of anxiety, nervousness, and desperation going on inside of her. The pain was unbearable. But she knew she had no other choice. For one whole week, she...
June 18, 2012

Believeing In God

God is someone who we can not see on earth, but he is someone who we can always see in our hearts. God has helped everyone out somehow someway. He is never far when you need him. He has been...
May 31, 2012

Hard Work Can Get You Far

I got pregnant at a very young age; I was 14 at the time. Getting into high school was a very frightening experience for me. Half of my family did not think I was going to make it this far,...
May 31, 2012

Starting to grow up

I believe in starting to grow up and being more mature. Most kids think that it is all about games and play,but there is a time when you are starting to grow up .In elementary you play with a friend...