This I Believe on The Bob Edwards Show

Each week, This I Believe and Bob Edwards team up to showcase a new personal belief essay. The segments air Fridays on The Bob Edwards Show on Sirius XM satellite radio, and are repeated during Bob Edwards Weekend on public radio stations nationwide. These segments are also available as weekly podcasts.

September 16, 2019

Demons and Dust

A childhood experience on a playground taught Tori Murden McClure a lesson about the importance of love and friendship that has stuck with her through the years and helped inspire her life's work.
July 16, 2019

Embracing the Local Community

Rebecca Haynes, a former park ranger, believes that her life is made better by being part of a local community and a local environment, whether in a small town, a big city, or the wilds of the Sonoran Desert.
June 11, 2019

A Father Is Born from Many Strangers

Although their biological dad has disappeared, Michele Weldon’s three sons have not been fatherless. Weldon believes the men who have stepped-in to act as substitute dads have generously embraced her sons with love and served as valuable role models.
May 28, 2019

Never Give Up

When she was young, Mary Curran Hackett's father gave her and her siblings frequent speeches about the importance of perseverance. What surprised her as an adult was how much he lived his "never give up" message toward her when she needed him the most.
May 27, 2019

Thought for Tomorrow

Financier and elder statesman Bernard Baruch found his beliefs shaken by the atrocities of World War II and the advent of the hydrogen bomb. But by believing in courage, intelligence and reason, Baruch is able to feel hope for the future.
March 11, 2019

Creative Solutions To Life’s Challenges

Poet Frank X Walker believes artists aren’t the only creative people. He says barbers, cooks, janitors, and kids enrich the world with their creativity as much as the painters, sculptors, and writers.
February 18, 2019

They Lived Their Faith

Inspired by the generosity of his parents, University of Louisville sociology professor Charles H. Parrish believed in the importance of helping others and always looking for the good in people. By doing so, Parrish said we can catch a vision of God.
February 4, 2019

A Walk in the Woods Together

Like any long-term relationship, Cindy Lollar (right) and her partner Greta have had their ups and downs. Now as they grow old together, Lollar believes the love and commitment she and Greta share are as strong and enduring as those found in any marriage.
January 28, 2019

Pennies from Heaven

After 43 years of marriage, native Texan Reg Stark lost his wife, Linda, to cancer. Ever since, he has been finding pennies everywhere he goes. Stark believes each coin he discovers is a sign that Linda is still with him and still looking out for him.