Age: 18 - 30

The essays below were written by people between 18 and 30 years of age.

March 7, 2005

This I Believe

Growing up the smart kid was probably one of the greatest character-building experiences a person can live through. Not the popular type, I was quite the opposite: sweat pants, glasses, a bowl cut, and that effeminate smile you can only...
March 7, 2005

I Like to Think of Myself a Spiritual Freethinker

Even when I was young, I recognized various differences between my family relations and the dynamics of my friends' households. My mother and I engaged in daily verbal blitzkriegs, my father was either sleeping, yelling, or crying depending on how...
March 4, 2005

This I Believe

I spent my high school summers with a shovel. The cemetery where I worked hired on extra help in June to keep the grounds sharp and green, and maintaining acres of healthy lawn in the long, sunny days of summer...
March 4, 2005

This I Believe

There are famous images that people often associate with their beliefs. Images like the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, the smiling Buddha and the crucifixion. But for me, it's Ernest Borgnine and Gene Hackman on the cover of The Poseidon...
March 2, 2005

This I Believe

When my partner and I asked our friend and mentor, Stan, if he would officiate our wedding, he suggested that we compose a "covenant," a written document that would describe what our marriage was about, and guide our actions together....
March 1, 2005

This I Believe

As I walked, with my specialized gait, into the hospital room, in which my grandfather was lying, I found that doing so brought my beliefs, many of them gleaned over years of gentle teaching or insistence, both his doing, into...
March 1, 2005

Chips and a Bag of Pop

For the past three years I have worked as an obstetrics and gynecology resident. The long hours, the endless reading, the persistent feelings of incompetence are all part of a resident's day. It is common to witness young energetic doctors...
March 1, 2005

This I Believe

It's very hard to know my values. I wonder how much control, conscious control, I have over the decisions I make. Of course, like many, I make big decisions with much thought and careful planning. I consider my options, and,...
January 1, 1950

The Chance to Believe

An incident, which happened to me in the winter of 1948, illustrates most clearly one of the basic tenets of what I believe. It was cold evening in February in 1948, and I was being flown from Switzerland to Prague...