“Nichole, come upstairs, time to do homework!”
When I was younger, my parents would actually call me upstairs just so they could monitor me while I did my homework at the kitchen table before dinner.
“Ughh” would always be my quickest response, before I marched upstairs to the aroma of that nights dinner. This routine eventually became the norm for me. At this time I couldn’t picture life being any other way. To say the least, high school was a big reality check for me, mainly because of the mindset I had going into that type of environment.
Entering the high school world, I quickly realized that my parents, nor anyone else, was going to hold my hand and help me through it. Without being constantly pushed to do better, like I was in elementary and middle school, I eventually told myself that I was on my own with this whole “high school” thing. It took me staying after school late to get help, and doing my homework right after school, among various other things to even realize what self-discipline was. After it was clear to me what it was, and what the results of it were, it became consistent in my everyday lifestyle.
As I continue to grow older and mature, I realize how many aspects of my life that I can apply self-discipline to, and it’s way more than just school. It comes in handy in the work field, when setting goals, helps with time management, starting healthy habits, and even in relationships. The possibilities are endless. With all these factors in mind, I have my parents to thank so much for not continuing to call me upstairs to do my homework at the dinner table, when I got into high school. I have learned a very beneficial life lesson that is essentially going to help me go far in life, and when I get there I will be proud to say I did it on my own.