In my mind, one of the worst things you can do to a person is judge them based on what they have done or what they look like or based on their character. People around you can be extremely mean. I think that no matter what people say, words can really hurt a person. I have heard horrible stories about people committing suicide or trying to commit suicide because of what somebody or some people have said about them. Just think about it. Think how horrible you would feel if you bullied someone and they hurt themselves because of it. You would have to live with that forever. So the next time you’re about to say something about someone or judge them based on what they have done, just think about how it will affect them. And how your words could hurt them and how simple it is just to keep your words to yourself so everything can easily be avoided.
In the town where the majority of my family lives, called Algona Iowa, there was a teenage girl who was being picked on by a group of girls who used to be her friends. They would verbally abuse her non-stop and this badly hurt her. After this girl was tired of being picked on, she attempted to hang herself. Luckily it didn’t work and she hung there for a while but she was not dead. Someone eventually found her and she had many abrasions and she was in the hospital for a long time. Just think if you were the person who picked on this girl and she attempted to hang herself. Could you live with that on your conscience?
I have gone through people judging me based on what I have done before. It was not nearly as serious but it still made me a little angry. And I get this all the time.
One week day, I was sitting at home with my family, and my sister came in and she told me about some kid at school who was telling everybody that I was a horrible kicker and that I can’t make anything. This always makes me a little angry. The weird thing was that this was after about the fifth game we played and I had only missed one kick and I had made about forty-five to fifty kicks. People need to pay attention to things around them before they judge people. People don’t understand the pressure that is involved with kicking field goals and extra points. Whenever I hear people talking down about me I tell them to try to kick a field goal in a state championship game with fifteen seconds left in the fourth quarter to tie it to put the game in to overtime with 12,000 people watching and then come back to me and tell me that I’m a bad kicker. People just don’t understand the pressure that is put on the kicker of a football team. You only get one chance to make it, and if you do, people congratulate you. But if you miss it, people automatically think you are a bad kicker. And don’t get me wrong. I am not perfect. I have judged people many times but I am honestly working on it, and doing my best to think twice about judging people.
People in this world really need to walk a mile in someone’s shoes before they even begin to judge a person based on anything they have done or what they have said. Everyone makes mistakes and nobody is perfect. We should all think twice before saying bad things about people around us. If we all do this, the world will be a better place.