my story is about my father. one of my philosophies and beliefs is to vote. i am a strong believer of voting, and my father is not. my dad thinkss voting has no point at all. one day i asked him why he doesn’t vote. he told me that it doesn’t matter who you votee for because the person wants for office doesn’t always win. he also told me that the votes of the black community don’t couunt anyways. then he told me that the person that wins office will not end up doing anuything for him personally anyways, so what would be the point of voting?
i told my father that they could help with our community, save the people money on their taxes, or get the people money by providing better jobs. i asked my father if a candidiate running for office was giving away one million dollars to each person that voted for him , if he would vote for that canididate. he then told me he has never voted in his entire life. he told me that if he did vote however, he would vote for a demcrate canididate because they are for the poor and middle class of society.
democrat canididates provide opportunity for all americans, so that everyone can have a piece of the pie. my father told me that republicans are for the people who do have money, the rich people. he explained how republicans refuse to extend the unemployment funds to citizens without jobs. which made me wonder ,”how people will pay their rent and take care of their families if they have no finacial support”?
my father explaned that the democrats are trying to extend those funds to the people without jobs. he also explained to me that the democrtic party do have hearts which is why they help the people in need. my father told me that the republicans do not care about the people need, that they only care about people who have money in their pockets because they do not know what it is like to be poor. the out come of thid conversation with my father that he does not like to talk about politics, which i knew when he said “two things i dont talk about are politics and religions” it is my right to vote, and even though my father does not i believe it is important that i do. maybe one day i can encourage him enough to actually vote, but untl that day, i won’t be talking about politics with my dad anytime soon.