I believe that violent video games do not cause children to be violent. As a child, I played video games that were suited to a child such as Mario and Kirby. Now that I’m older, my video game preferences have gotten more mature, and I find myself playing violent games. Games that involve shooting and fighting. I have been playing Call of Duty, a violent video game series, for about two years now, and I can say that the game has not affected me in a negative way whatsoever. I believe that violent games affecting people in a wrong way is very weird because it’s a video game, one of the most unrealistic things you will come across. A current court case is deciding if you have to be 18 or older to play a mature rated game. People look down on violent video games because they take certain events such as Columbine or Virginia Tech, and they blame video games for those events. The two guys that did Columbine played Doom, a violent game series, and of course that was to blame. Doom is a popular game series that a lot of people play; how often do you see one of those players of Doom shoot up their school? The Virginia Tech guy played less than the average teenager. Even though he played Call of Duty, I highly doubt that is the reason for his actions.
I believe that parents are to blame for this; parents should know what games that their kids should be playing. It’s basic common sense, to be honest. In Grand Theft Auto, you can fight and kill gang members, gamble, and buy hookers. Parents do not want their children doing that, so parents should not buy those games for their kids. The first amendment has to do with free speech, and by creating a ban that changes these laws, you are taking away our first amendment. The ban is taking away the rights of the creators of the video games. Unconstitutional much? R-rated movies are much more violent than these video games. Why haven’t they been attacked yet?
I have never wanted to hurt someone just by playing Call of Duty, Gears of War, or any other violent game. Let’s say you give a Call of Duty gamer a weapon from the series, one, he or she wouldn’t know what to do with it and two, he or she would not be more likely to shoot it, let alone at a person. I have a right to learn, play, and experience these types of things in the video game world than everyone else does in their books, movies, artwork, and TV shows. Don’t blame the player, don’t blame the game. I believe in blaming the parents.