I believe in hope, being where I am in life, hope is really all I can have. With my mother and father separating before I was born, and living with a man whom I believed was my father for sixteen years, but was actually my mothers’ boyfriend, hope in my heart is all I can have.
Growing up was not fun and exciting for me. My mother left my father before I was born, I never knew who he was until the age of four. I remember asking my great grandmother who “that tall and scary looking” guy was; I recall her laughing and telling my older brother and I he was our father.
The feeling of meeting our father was indescribable. I recall those dreams I would have of my mother and father being together once more, the hope that held a place in my heart for ten years almost. But as I grew older, I began to understand, not everyone is going to have that special feeling of love forever.
Though I knew that they wanted nothing to do with one another and that y father only came to visit my brother and I once a year, I still keep that hope in my heart, the hope of my broken family one day pushing aside their differences and coming together.
Hope, this I believe.