The word democracy rushes in and out of the minds of today’s youth like yesterdays math lesson. This word is what our ancestors and colonial forefathers established and fought for when threatened. Democracy, the system that still we somewhat abide by today is being pulled away from us in not such a subtle manner.
What sets us apart from other countries is the fact that democracy actually worked the way we set it up. Not at first though, of course there were problems. They were however resolved and made better to uphold our government. The fact of the matter is that the people that first set up democracy were not as corrupted as the “people” who infest our government now. Democracy is the only type of government that actually works as a nation and provides the opportunities people want. Sure China has a strong government, but look at their people and the lives ninety-nine percent of them live. To us that is no life at all. Living under communistic rulers who control the population, and take what you as an individual accumulate financially, isn’t your life to live, you are there’s.
What makes democracy better than any form of government is that, although flawed, we have the right to overthrow our government when deemed necessary. This is that last thing anyone wants to resort to doing because of what is at stake when this time comes, our lives. No one in their right mind would want to go to war against their own country. If things head south which they are at this moment we better be ready to fight. The sad thing no one is ready, and lack of knowledge or being stubborn about knowing what is going on could bring this country to its knees. This brings me to our most important amendment at this time, which is the right to bear arms. Slowly but surely our democracy is turning into a socialistic society which to me is unacceptable. Taking away our guns is the first step the government is presently taking to disarm us for when times get bad enough for people, then they will want to use them.
All of what I have laid out for you to read is my opinion. This is however an I Believe Essay with my opinions and my beliefs. Democracy is something worth living for and dying for as well. It all comes down to rather Americans have enough pride to stand up and correct what we have corrupted.