I find myself sitting in front of my computer trying to write this paper and as usual I am faced with the one thing that seems to always be able to take away my attention, Facebook. If I could have spent as much time writing this paper as I did on this mind-numbing, doing-nothing-for-me, Facebook, I would have probably have written a novel by now. I believe Facebook is slowly, or maybe quickly, consuming my life.
When my alarm goes off in the morning, it’s time to turn on the computer to see what has been going on with my friends. Obviously, I know nothing has changed since 2:30 in the morning when I was last stalking around through my friends profiles and countless pictures, but my addiction drives me to check, just in case. Once I am watching the kids and they have driven me up the wall for a couple hours, it is time for me to give in and turn to my weakness, I will flip through pictures till my fingers and brain are numb and I can hardly tell who I am looking at anymore. Of course you typically have the people whose profiles you check the most because they are consumed by this unnecessary evil as much as I am and most likely have changed their Facebook status to “bored” or “work sucks.” Eventually I will realize just how bored I am doing this task so you being to flip through my own pictures and maybe change my profile picture. Then the kids spot me and I make some excuse for why I was on.
Later that night I go home and decide to get a head start on that paper due next Monday, when all of a sudden the next thing I know it is 2:30 in the morning, I still haven’t even opened my school’s home page. Then it all starts over again, maybe the next day I may even get some extra Facebook time on my phone with the new application. I have spent too many hours on Facebook and attempted to kill my profile numerous times, but the addiction is a little voice in my head telling me, “I should really check out those pictures my friends were taking last weekend.” I strongly wish I could put an end to this madness that me and many other teens, adults now too, can’t seem to pull away from. I know a lot of people claim they use Facebook for socializing purposes only, but they may soon be sucked in to the latest addiction as well.