I believe that friends are the most important thing in the world and they bring you joy. This is a story that happened just recently. One day after school I invited my friend over to hang out at my uncles with me because we were both really board. We were running down the path and there was a tree branch in a whole that it created and I did not see it when I tripped over it my phone went flying and I skidded across the ground. Instead of asking me if I was all right my friend started laughing and finally when she stopped she asked if I was all right. Then we continued walking to the creek but I took her the wrong way and we ended up above the creek on a ten-foot bank. I said, “ Sorry I took you the wrong way lets go”. Instead of following my friend wanted to jump. Like I always say believe in your friends. Then my friend and me continued walking I heard a noise like a deer walking by so I asked her if she knew their was a hermit guy living in these woods she was like your lying and I said no I’m not. So we walked down to the flat and we saw a rope from a tree and I told her that the hermit guy used that rope to hang animals from and she ran. Later that day we were eating dinner outside in my uncle’s back yard and we wanted to put the swing next to the picnic table so we placed our food and drinks on the table and we started moving the swing we got the swing moved and we did not spill our drinks but when we put the swing down and swung and hit the table and spilled our drinks everywhere it was so funny. I believe friends are the best thing in the world and they give you joy. When we were done eating she wanted to hang upside down on -the monkey bars. It took a while because she would get on my shoulders and then we would start laughing so she could not concentrate. One time I accidentally dropped when I tried to put her down and she laughed. She finally was able to hang up side down and we were both happy. We were sitting on the swing and we were tipping it and it was so much fun. Finally she had to leave her mom came to get her. We had so much fun is was kind of sad to she her go. I believe friends are the best thing in the world and they bring you joy.