I believe that everything done during the holocaust was wrong. Jews were not bad people just because they were not the same or did not believe in the same things as we did does not mean that they should have been murdered. Many survived all the torture but many did not. Many people watched as their siblings or mothers and fathers were killed and not knowing if they were next is what was so terrible. I would have hated to watch my family members die and not know if it was my turn next. Many that survived say that they have never experienced anything else quit like it. You will never know pain and torture until you have gone through the stuff that the Jews did during the holocaust. I don’t think that Hitler should have done stuff that cruel to them that they should have had a chance to get out of town or something. Everyone deserves a chance at life that if they did not do anything wrong then they should not be punished for something they did not do.”Holocaust” is a Greek word meaning “sacrifice by fire”. I just wish for one moment everyone that thinks that the holocaust was ok would have to stand there and watched someone that they love die or have to be killed themselves burning is not the best way to die.To me the holocaust was one of the worst times to be in Europe being Jewish is not a crime. You cannot help how you was raised and what you was raised to believe you grow up learning the things that your parents have taught you. In 1933 the Jewish population of Europe was over nine million. As the Nazi spread across Europe they took out more and more Jews and for them to not care how many they killed to me is the worst possible thing. It just means that you have no heart that you do not care what it may do to hurt others as long as it is not you that is getting hurt. Most of the Jews were taking to concentration camps were they forced to watch as some of their loved ones were burned alive or thrown in the room filled with fumes that would kill them. During the end of the war they were moved from camp to camp either by train or on marches called death marches. To keep the allied forces from closing in on them and to make the Jews could not me set free. So you see as it goes the holocaust in my opinion was one of the worst things that could have happened during the war and to think so many people had to die for no reason. So many had to watch family die and they did not know if they would be next to or if they would live to see the rest of the days that the world would bring to them that survived.