History should be studied because history tends to repeat itself. By studying history we can learn from things in the past and how to stop them before they happen. One example of this, is the Holocaust. I believe we should study the Holocaust to prevent something so horrible from ever happening again. We can learn to recognize the signs of something so awful before it could ever get so involved.
I am a thirteen year old Jewish boy that worries that a Holocaust could happen again. I hear stories about it from my family, my Jewish studies, and school. Why did six million Jews have to die? How could something like the Holocaust happen? One man is to blame for it. His name was Adolph Hitler. He blamed the Jews for the bad economic times that Germany was going through and wanted to get rid of all the Jews.
There is still Anti-Semitism that exists today. There are still groups of people that hate the Jews. I recently watched a show on the ID channel where a police officer went under cover and joined an Anti-Semitic organization. It amazed me that this type of behavior still goes on today. There is still a stereotype today that all Jews are rich, that most are doctors, lawyers, and celebrities. I can tell you from experience that we are not. My ancestors came over from Poland and Russia with barely no money or possessions. My family has struggled to make a living just like many other people, Jewish or not. It makes no sense to me what I learned in Sunday School, that the Jews are G-d’s chosen people. If this is true, why do we as Jews suffer?
Around my neck I wear the Star of David, a symbol to show I am Jewish. It was a gift I received at my Bar Mitzvah. I wear it proudly but also in fear that one day I may find myself in a situation that I may have to hide it. I hope that day will never come. The Jews that were in the Holocaust and survived have an identification number tattooed on them, unfortunately they will never be allowed to forget. For this reason, Jewish people do not believe in getting tattoos to this day. I hope we have all learned from the Holocaust and that it shall never repeat itself. This I believe.