I believe one shouldn’t let society take away their individuality. It is so rare today to find a person who has not been created by society: to behave, speak, dress, question, believe, and perform as they are expected to. We are cautious, even sometimes embarrassed or frightened to be who we truly are. People are constantly aware of their actions and decisions, comparing them to the standards of society. For example gangs have to prove to be a brotherhood by shooting someone. When a member does not want to commit this murder what becomes of him? He is banished from the brotherhood because he chose to be different.
In a cultural perspective we are one of the most diverse countries, but we also have one of the highest levels of expectation that forms around how we look and act. A stereotype is produced promptly and a thought of prejudice immediately after. Either unconsciously or consciously, we all do it. Humans have an instinct to instantaneously predict they are being judged, thus forcing them to build themselves to other’s approval. America tries to label itself as a “free” country, but while we are all trying to believe this notion, we disregard the fact we are being observed and critiqued continuously. There is a pressure to be the paramount of humans and overcome analyses of flaws.
Nobody wants to be taken as imperfect or deficient, so people will try anything to be what others want them to be. The people who stand out with personality and individuality are often looked upon as peculiar because they are out of the constant norm. With this in mind, people notice these happenings and respond by not pertaining to individuality, but to what everyone else is doing. People do not want to be judged or made fun of; they would rather be thought of as “normal”. Normal is a monotonous sea of clones: all dressing alike, all with the same goals in mind, all with the same ideas and same standpoints. There is no value to the congruent and unexpressive ways of living.
Individuality expresses confidence, creativeness, and braveness. The people who are not afraid to be themselves are the people that should be rewarded and honored. They open a pathway to a different life; a life full of various customs and ideas. Individuality offers a life full of color, wonder, and appeal. It produces fascinating controversies and debates. It proposes an assortment of personal variety. Individuality is important to provide sparks and interests, keeping our world a diversity of many people and ideas. One shouldn’t let society take away their individuality upon no circumstances. This I believe.