Yes, I believe in being chill. I’m 19 years old in my second semester in college, with five hundred things on my mind, but staying chill keeps me sane. My four steps of being chill helps me get through the stress of everyday life.
Step One: Don’t sweat the small stuff. My mom always says this to me, especially when I was going through the awkward stage in middle school when I thought everyday was the end of the world. Why get upset on a bad hair day or even burning a piece of toast? Taking a step back and analyzing the situation first helps me react the right way. There are bigger things in life to worry about instead of freaking out because your hair looks wack one day.
Step Two: Practice makes perfect. I believe in finding your Zen zone. For me, I practice yoga. Yoga lets me escape my busy stressful life into an hour and a half of complete bliss. While meditating and staying Zen it allows me to stay true to myself. Whether I go with my best friend or by myself, I always feel like I can go and attack the rest of the week with no problems.
Step Three: Save the drama for your mama. Being dramatic is not my forte, hence failing in my acting career when I was 12. I do my best to surround myself with people who care about me. I have a lovely group of friends, however, out of that group I have one best friend. I would rather have that one best friend than seven I cannot trust. I believe in doing the best of staying out of drama. It is so easy to get caught up in gossip. At the end of the day, I realized that half of it is not true and I have wasted time worrying about issues that have nothing to do with your own life. I learned a lot through all my different groups of friends and people I have came in contact with, and I am finally in a good place in my life.
Step Four: POSITIVE THINKING. No one likes a “Negative Nancy” or a “Debbie Downer” so I strive not to be one. There is so much that goes on in one day that can bring anyone down but positive thinking is a way of life, a choice. I learned to think positively, not doubting my decisions and hoping for the best, because in reality that is all you can really do.
When I start to get stressed or frantic about what is coming up within the week or further into my future, I think of just what tomorrow is going to bring. Who knows if I will be here in a week or exactly what will happen in my near future. Everyday is a new day. Everyday is a day you can be chill.