When I was about thirteen years old both of my grandfathers died. From them I learned that no matter what you should live life to the fullest and love those who cross your path. Each one had his own way of showing his love for everyone. They both showed me that no matter what I should always be willing to help others and in return they would love me back.
Both were very special to me. They both had their moments that allowed me to see more than everyone else could see. Both lived their lives so that I could always feel like they would understand no matter what. My mother’s father was a hard working man who would go out of his way to help those he loved even if it meant that he would have to give up something. He always made sure that his family was always provided for even though he wasn’t there the first few years of mother’s life. He never forgave himself for walking out on his family but before he died he tried to make amends and he was determined to keep our whole family together. He loved everyone and wanted to make the most of the time that he had left with us.
My father’s father was also a hard working man. He was always willing to work for everything that he had. My grandfather was a man who loved his family dearly and was always there for those he loved. He made sure that he lived life so that everyone would be able to see how much he loved life and those people around him. He loved working outside and when he would go outside to work I wasn’t far behind. I always wanted to be like him in the sense that he loved others and was always willing to listen to problems and help if he could.
When they were both on their death beds it made me start thinking about ways that I could allow people to see the real me. My mother and I were the ones that cared for them while they were so sick and I guess that made me realize that I will always be a loving and caring person. They showed me that every action that I make will show others that life should be lived to fullest, life should be full of love, and I should always be willing to help those around me. Although they both went through struggles they both succeeded in their daily lives and made the most of the time that they had with the people they loved the most.