I believe that when people say they feel my pain of the loss of my mom I really know they don’t because if they haven’t experienced a loss of the one who you most love they really don’t know what it’s like to be in deep loneliness.
I was only two when I lost my mom. We were just there like anyone would shop in El Salvador. Out of no where two men come up to my mom and try to rob her but my mom wouldn’t let them take her stuff so their only choice was to kill her and get away with it. What’s even more weirder is that one of the killers had raped a little girl in the past. One of them got away and one of them got locked up. The death of my mom always affects me everyday. I believe that when people loose their loved one’s it affects them that they might be depressed and cry very often that it’s hard to be or have a happy life.
When most people say that they feel my pain that gets me mad, but at the same time I know they are just trying to be there for me. The truth is they shouldn’t say that because losing a mom is the worst feeling or experience that anyone can have. When you have a mom their supposed to show you love and care for you the most. Once you don’t have that it’s just hard to be happy and grow up without feeling the love you’re supposed to have in life. In reality, people don’t feel my pain.
What hurts the most is when people tryto be there for me and show me love is the best thing I can have. The bad thingis that once they are out my life it’s going to go all bad because I’ll just feel lonely again and left out. Having people by my side showing that they care about me is the best because having them encourage me to the better things in life is what makes me succeed in life.
Having a loss of the person i most love is hard to be in a good mood. Once I hear people say that they feel my pain i should just say,” no you don’t but thanks for caring”.