Some say there is a higher power. Some call it an energy. Some say that the universe exists by some accident or collision of organic matter. Some say there is nothing other than the here and now. I say there is more. I say that there is one God and this I believe with all of my heart and soul.
The world around us is so complex. Wherever I am and whatever I may be experiencing, God is there, and He created it all! Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? The magnificent beauty of the canyon swallows you whole and stimulates each and every one of your senses. Standing on the rim of the canyon I am amazed at the colors erupting from the walls and cliffs. Brilliant purples and muted yellows wind their way through rocky shelves and cascade down to the floor of the canyon. The stillness of the air is only interrupted by the swoop of an eagle flying down to catch its prey. The crisp smell of pine trees and wet soil fills the air after a sudden rain shower. The sun beats down on your skin and warms you to your soul. The Grand Canyon is so perfectly made that it could only have been created by God.
It is easy to have faith in things we cannot see when we are children. Moms and Dads tell us things and we believe them because they are old and must know everything. Growing up and becoming a young adult brings with it questions of things we have been taught. Were my parents right in their belief and what else is out there? Gazing at the image of our crucified Lord confirms for me that God exists. When I see Jesus on the cross it fills me with so many emotions. I am sure that He is God. Absolutely no one would suffer like Jesus suffered for me or anyone else! It makes me sad and anguished that my sins put Him up on that cross. It also makes me so joyful and thankful that God loves me so much that he would suffer and die a horrible death to save my soul from final death and I am confident that I will join Him in heaven one day.
What I truly believe about God makes me feel whole and complete as an individual. It affirms for me that I am unique and that I have a purpose in this life. Faith keeps me in line with what I am to do and all I should be. It keeps me grounded and points me in the direction I should be headed. Believing and knowing God is important to me. He is my savior, my life, and I will always love Him. God is my life and my salvation and this I truly believe!