Last year when my little brother died, my belief in life and God was severely tested. My brother’s name was Garrett he was only 17 years old. He died in a car wreck driving home late from a school dance. Before this event had dramatically changed my life forever I had believed that everything happens for a reason. I played everything over and over in my head but could not find a good reason for God to rip him from my family. There was no good reason for a boy who had his whole life ahead of him to die so young. A few weeks before his accident he had found out his girlfriend was pregnant. She was had a scholarship to play soccer at a small school so she didn’t want to have the baby. When my brother found out she was going to have an abortion he sat down and cried. My brother NEVER cried in front of people. Garrett said she was on birth control and they used a condom. I now believe this was God’s way of leaving us with a little piece of Garrett before he took him away from us. But as selfish humans we destroyed the gift that god had sent us. I believe that everything happens for a reason, you just have to search for it sometimes.