I was in Wal-Mart. Me and my two friends were looking at video games. They told me that they needed to go to the bathroom and that they were going to be right back. When my mom was paying we chilled in McDonalds. Then my friend said look in my sleeve. And there I saw it, two video games. I new that something bad was about to happen.
We were about leave when a tall woman stopped us. I was so scared I needed to pee. She asked me were the video games were. I looked at my friends …. I told her that I didn’t know what she was talking about. She took us to an office with a lot of buttons on the walls and so many monitors. She showed us a video that my two friends went to the toy isle and were stealing the two games. She thought that I told them to do it.
After that she called my friends parents. She confiscated the games and took pictures of them. She asked me why I did it… I didn’t answer. She asked my friend and he said that he liked that game and didn’t have any money. So she called the cops. When the cop got there he started to ask us a whole bunch of questions. After the cop stopped asking us questions he let us go and told us that we will be receiving a call and something from the mail.
Like three weeks later I got a call that I had a court order on June 11, 2007; two days after my birth day. I went and sat in a small conference room full with stacked chairs. Then a whole bunch of smelly old people came in. They asked me only one question “Why did you0 do it?” I told them that it wasn’t me; it was just two friends being stupid. They told me that when I turn 18 I can go to the police station and erase it off my record.
I had to go to an eight hour class that teached me about drugs and what they could do to you over time. They gave us pizza and soda. When it finished they gave us a bag full of stuff and a free month pass to YMCA. It was the worst experience ever and I need to choose my friends carefully. I’m still friends with the two that got me in trouble. I believe that you can’t trust any one even your friends. This I believe.