I believe that fate powers every aspect our lives. Everything happens for a reason and only happens when it is time is what I have found to be true. There may be a greater power but since I can feel fate that is my stability, my anchor in the daily grind.
Faith is something I have always struggled with. I was raised by a mother that believed in church and the regular visitation that it required and by a father that held strong to fate to a point that when things happened it was because he believed it was time for it to happen. With such a wide spectrum of belief in my parents and the fact that I loved them both equally I found it hard to please them both, but I feel I am a stronger person because of my upbringing.
Prayer, a belief that my mother taught me, always seemed so empty to me. I knew that God knew all and understood what we needed so to me prayer was an unnecessary means to an end that should be accomplished simply by thinking of our needs. If God needed to hear our thoughts and needs from our mouths, and we need to actually speak our asking for forgiveness then that, to me, showed an untruth that the church taught. Does God know all or do we need to tell him all… a bit too confusing to me.
Fate, a belief that my father shared with me, made perfect sense. When you get right to the heart of fate it puts things in the simplest manner possible. Everything thing happens exactly when it is supposed to and happens for a reason. My father said that line more times than I care to count, and he truly believed it. He instilled in me the understanding that I could have and be anything I wanted with hard work and perseverance but it would only be granted to me when it was time… patience above all is a core concept of fate.
Fate can’t be rushed and it can’t be given, it just happens. I can look back at the different struggles in my life and understand that because of my beliefs I got through them without fret. I found myself at times praying for guidance and understanding but then found myself using patience to see it through. I can’t dispel the idea and existence of God and to some degree believe he is there watching us all but I can honestly say fate has made me who and what I am today… me.