Art for the Soul
I believe in the power of art. Art can make you feel an immense number of emotions in one single work. I first discovered my love during my junior year of high school. I had just been diagnosed as having a bipolar disorder. I had trouble sleeping at night, loss in my appetite, and no interest whatsoever in school, friends, of even my own family at times.
It was during this time that I discovered that putting my emotions into art, seemed to just pull the depression and bad thoughts right out of me. It was like, the more I drew, or painted, or even wrote, the happier and more outgoing I became. I started spending all of my paychecks on art supplies. I would go into different stores and just purchase whatever I thought might come in handy. My dad even contributed by building me a six-foot easel.
Towards the start of my senior year I started going with my parents to a multitude of art museums and exhibits. I would just sit and stare and certain works for what seemed like hours. Some would make me smile to myself, while others made me cry. But the ones that really had an impact on me would come with me in me mind, and eventually influence one of my works.
I tried taking writing and art classes, but I never liked to conformity and strict schedules the professors had us on. I eventually dropped my art class and just stuck to writing for a while. Writing did make me feel better at times, but it never had as much of a relief on me as drawing and painting did.
So in my first year attending Salt Lake Community College, I took a watercolor class, attempting to take a second stab at an art class. At first I felt out of place and even pushed aside at times. The class was filled with experienced painters, while I was simply an amateur and best, who had never fully taken a serious art class. While I was contemplating dropping out of the class, one of the older and more experienced ladies sat down beside me and started commenting on my painting.
At first I was skeptical, wondering what she wanted. I never was good at accepting compliments. Once I was sure she was being sincere, I thanked her and tried to resume painting in my corner. But she persisted to talk and talk. So eventually I came out of my shell and we started discussing art shows we had seen. Eventually I started asking advice on my works, which I had never done before. After a while, I started talking to everyone in the class and asking advice and techniques.
I had always been quiet and kept to myself, until I started dabbling in art. Art has a way of opening you up to what is around you. Art can make you feel emotions you never thought possible if you just let it.