In my 15 years of life I have had life changing and spiritual changing moments. Most of them are humorous and others sad, but this is just a normal story. My church normally goes on retreats for the youth, and man do we have a great time there. It’s really fun going down to Wichita, KS and hanging out in hotels sharing stories, talking, and laughing. We like to play games too and we played this one game, a game of tag. You have to like jump over people lying on the ground, then get on the ground to be safe and I can say that this in a weird way changed my life.
I was getting to know some of the kids better and better, and when we started playing these games I started to realize that these kids were just like me. I never really expected them to be like me at all; I was the athletic kid who was hyper and always had to do something. I thought when I signed up for the first retreat that I would be stuck with some kid who just talks all about God. Now don’t get me wrong because that’s great, but for me there is a time were I need a break. I got paired up with, and roomed with two other kids and a leader. I don’t think it could have been a better pairing. The first thing the leader did was dive on the bed, and then came and jumped on us. It was hilarious, and I was really thinking maybe this won’t be so bad.
Well as I got to know these kids better we grew a relationship, both friendly and spiritually. I noticed that they too didn’t really like to share out loud. I didn’t like talking out loud about my faith; it just seemed weird for me. But we all talked on the second day, and it was good to do this. We all enjoyed the rest of the time there because we were comfortable with each other, and we all grew spiritually.