My beliefs have been formed over my lifetime, all 17 years of it. A question about my beliefs is a deep area. In our society, beliefs are very personal and there can be no right or wrong answer. This has not always been true as in some countries and at some periods in history a person was not always allowed to believe according to their own convictions. I will try to convey what I have been taught by my family and what I feel deep in my heart.
I believe all men should live in peace. I believe that we should love our neighbors as if they were in your own family. I believe we can best do this by serving them. I believe that we have an obligation to help the poor to get an education so they can have a better life. I believe that we need to look out for our fellow man/woman so no one feels alone and an outcast. I believe that no man or woman should be judged by the color of their skin nor by any other thing which makes us appear different. I believe that traveling around the world is important to allow us to understand that we are not that different and we are all part of one world.
I believe that we should respect nature and all its boundless beauty and that we should care for the planet for it does not have endless supplies. I believe that people should take time out of their days to look at the stars and ponder the true meaning of life and why we are really here. I believe that we are not the only people in this universe. I believe that someday we will know the full wonders of space.
I believe that you should follow your dreams where ever they may take you. I believe we should not smoke or drink or take any other drugs for we are healthier when we take only wholesome things into our bodies. I believe in music for it can lift your spirit. I believe in singing. I believe that we should take the time to look at the clouds and just watch nature’s wonders. I believe that ice cream is good for you and must be eaten in regular moderation. I believe in poetry and for the wonderful way it can express what is in your heart.
I believe in forgiveness. I believe in the family unit. I believe in being honest. I believe that every able person should be able to work to provide for themselves and their family.
I believe in having friends for this is how a man truly shows his worth is by how many genuine friends he makes and keeps. I believe in being respectful. I believe that we should be respectful to our elders for they have so much wisdom that we should take to heart from what they have learned and treat them with the respect that they deserve and have earned.
I believe that our Heavenly Father is real and that he loves us and has provided a plan of happiness and that if we really follow his plan we will truly be happy. I believe in the Ten Commandments. I believe in the Bible and the Book of Mormon and in Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. I believe in serving a mission. I believe in service to others and helping the community for when we are in the service of our fellow man or woman we are in the service of our Lord. I believe in heaven and all its glory and how we will feel truly happy when we are in the presence of the Lord our Savior.
I believe in free speech no matter what your opinion is. I believe in love and all the happiness it can bring. I believe that God has provided rain and all the goodness it brings to the world and how it just refreshes the earth and makes it feel clean again.
These are the main things that I truly believe in and I hold close to my heart. I hope that everyone who believes will always believe in themselves first because we must believe in ourselves first to have the confidence needed to help others. This is what can bring lasting happiness, to think about others first and serve them.