Dear Whomever,
I believe in the pregnant pause. It enhances listener anticipation of what the speaker will say. Few things reflect more poorly on a speaker’s mastery of a subject than her/his constantly filling the listener’s ear with repetition of such phrases as “You Know” or “If You Like”. It puts me in mind of my 1960’s days at Emory University School of Dentistry in lectures by Dean George Moulton who repeatedly used the phrase, “So Called”, and most of us dental students were busy keeping track of the Dean’s repeats of that phrase rather than gleaning any principles from his lecture. In one such lecture I noted “So Called” used 63 times, but I could not tell you anything about the old Dean’s lecture other than it’s having dealt in some way with fixed prosthedontics.
If this subject is of interest to you, I have much more to say regarding it.
Christian Love & Blessings,