I believe in skills. If you don’t have a skills you are not good at anything. It is very important to have skills. If you are good at something it will help you in the future. Skills are things that help you in life.
When I was young, I was into guns then my friend told me about paintball. I went to youtube.com and I really learned what was the sport is all about. I realized I like the sport. On my birthday, I bought a paintball marker to go play. It is good practice for me I want to become a cop. Paintball is a good alternative to a really gun. The skills I learn from paintball such as running diving and aiming will help me in the future.
I also learn valuable skills in football at 5 feet 1 inch tall and 105 pound people used to make fun of me I was way too small but I didn’t listen I waited for my time to show the team I could run and hit. One time I hit a big kid down after that every one stopped saying things about me in the football team even my friends these skills are running very fast and hitting people.
I think I got my skill from my mom she was born in Guatemala and played pro basketball right after high school She went pro at basketball.
My mom told me the skills were very important when she was a firefighter in Guatemala. She told me you have to have skills to be a firefighter or police officer She told me it is very hard but its worth it help others.
Everyone in my Family has skills .My Mom with basketball my Dad with fixing cars my little brother with playing video games he is also very good at paintball. My older brother is an electrician he need many skill to be successful. I hop one day to have as much skills as every one in my family.
In the future you never know if you have skills at something if you don’t try a Sport You never know you could go pro like my mom or me at paintball. It is a great opportunity to learn skills as running diving and aiming. One day I want to get my mom skills to go pro basketball player one day like my mom and that’s I believe in.