I believe in service to the world around you. I’m not talking about doing community service and placing an extra 5 in the church plate every Sunday, I am talking about service as making a difference in life.
Through my life, I look at people who make a difference as heroes. For example, I’ve had 7 people, grandfathers, uncles, great uncles, even my own dad serve in the military. In my eyes they made a difference. They earned the respect of millions and served a country they love, even if it came at the cost of their lives. They didn’t cure cancer, they didn’t come up with the iPod, and they didn’t win 8 gold medals in one Olympic sport so they could be a role model. What they did do is when Desert Storm, World War 2, Korea, and Vietnam called for people to enlist, they were one of the brave men that stood up and said “I’ll do it.”
One day my parents and I were talking about high school, and all the choices I could pick for my major. My parents were strongly pushing for me to go into law enforcement, and I finally said “Fine, I wanna talk to a guy who is in SWAT.” So I called him that night, and talked to him for about an hour. Later on, I mentioned something about the Kasey Anthony case, and he said, “Did you know I arrested her?” I couldn’t believe it, not because he was working on it, because of the happiness he said it with. When I asked him how he felt, as far as if she was guilty or not, he just smiled and said “I gotta keep that to myself.” But the sound in his voice, the way he said it…It’s almost as if he enjoyed it. This man changed the entire world around him. He made people happy because he helped and is helping solve a case that is definitely going down in history. He will forever be recognized as a man who brought justice to some little girl, something some of us can’t even begin to match.
The world is full of problems; we all have the chance to make change. I love causes dedicated to good, because of the changes they make in the world. But, the cause didn’t necessarily do it. It was the people behind it, supporting it, actually doing it. They have forever changed the world around them, served this wonderful place we call home. Serve this wonderful place, and serve it well. This I Believe.