I have always had those people that drive me crazy. They are those people that just drive you nuts and you just want to put ear plugs in you ears to get away from listening to them. I have noticed that many people have those people that bug them too. Many people always seem to show hate toward those people but in the bible it tells us to love eachother as our selves. So I have began to force myself to intereact with those people and to show my self that you should always treat everyone the same no matter what the person does or how they act. I believe that everyone should honor God’s rules and at the least try to treat every one nicely no matter who they are even if they aren’t your favorite person in the world. So if you try treating that person or people nice for one day you could change that person’s life. There also the little nerd kids that people have always made fun of and they have always turned to the one thing that doesn’t give them grief and suffering and that is knowledge for them. People should also treat them the same even if they don’t hurt you in the way that the other kids might treat you. The bible also says treat one another as you want to be treated, so would you like to be one of those kids that always is getting picked on. I truly believe that we should make an effort to do the right thing and obey our father in heaven.