Try to imagine a world stripped of all plant life. You are probably thinking of a dry, arid environment with no signs of life at all because without plants it is physically impossible for a human being to survive. Not only do plants produce food we eat every day and a sufficient source of medication, but most importantly plants produce the chemical compound we breathe every second of the day, Oxygen. I have been studying plants for a good portion of my time in college and have come to realize that plants are unique in so many ways, yet very few people take the time to appreciate their existence. I believe in appreciating plants for their life bearing qualities and their beauty.
Every time you take a breath remember that breath was made possible by the aid of plants. Also, remember that the breath you took also makes it possible for plants to survive as well. We survive on the oxygen they produce, and they survive on the CO2 that we produce. When I wake up in the morning to the fresh scent of dew, dripping off the surrounding plant life, I thank the trees, flowers, and even the weeds for giving me another day of life. Not only do I thank them for another day but also, I soak in the image of their tranquility and it relieves my stress throughout the day.
Have you ever actually stopped everything you were doing, sat in silence and gazed at the beauty of the surrounding plant life? As the trees slowly sway in the wind and as bees go through their everyday routine of pollination it brings a sense of serenity to your life. For that moment nothing else in the world matters, your mind is free of stress, and for that one moment you feel the gift of nature. Whenever I take the time out of my day to recognize the existence of plants, it is almost like they know I am watching. It feels like the plants are actually trying to communicate with me, and most of all they are rewarding me for taking the time to care.
I recall a day, about three weeks ago, when I was on my way to surf in Morro Bay. It was a bright, sunny day after a large rain. As I was driving down the high way it was surreal to me to see the bright green hillsides and beautiful flowers that spring time brings. Everything was still wet from the night before, and the beads of water on the leaves of the plants, and on the grassy hillsides, looked liked hundreds of diamonds blinding me with brightness. It almost felt like my vision was enhanced by ten times and I was the only one who could see the true beauty of the shimmering plant life. That day my eyes were blessed with one of the most fascinating images I have ever seen. To this day, whenever I am in a stressful situation, I remember what really matters; the beauty of the world that surrounds me.
The bond that plants and humans have is tremendous but it seems like most people take it or granted. Most people could care less about the many qualities plant life portrays. And most people never take the time to thank plants for a new day of life. It is rewarding to dependent on such beautiful organism, but it is more rewarding to know that they depend on us as well. I will always remember that day on the highway and I will always remember to give thanks everyday.