I believe in sharing your message with others. I think that everyone has something important to say and that they should share it with the rest of the world. There are many different venues in which to do this, but it’s really all up to personal preference.
Music is my way to express my innermost thoughts with the world in a positive way. Music is a wonderful thing to share with people. Whether a person chooses to write, create, or listen, they can share their music with the world. Music is a great way to inspire almost anyone in the world. I can’t even begin to say how music has impacted me on a personal level; it almost seems otherworldly. I perform with a band, and nothing makes me happier than someone telling me how much they enjoyed our show, or seeing people in the audience who know our songs. I love seeing faces in the crowd of people who are enjoying themselves right along with me.
Another great way to communicate something important is to simply talk to people. Simple conversations can make a deep impact on the lives of many. I know that I have had many wonderful conversations with people that I will remember for life, and that have helped me come to appreciate the thoughts and opinions of others. It can be as simple as helping someone with a problem or a stressful situation; or as complex as giving a speech in front of your peers. If you feel that you have something important to say, I would encourage you not to hold back, and give your words the wings that they need to take flight.
It is absolutely crucial for someone trying to communicate a message to identify with their audience. Everyone has a different take on the issue at hand, but having an audience in mind and communicating with them is mandatory. This philosophy has been used by many great leaders, such as: Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Malcom X, Margaret Smith, and now, Barack Obama.
It is important to realize that sharing your beliefs does not mean that you should try and crush the beliefs of others, but instead introduce new ideas in a positive manner. I think that it is much easier to take in something new when it isn’t forced upon you. With that being said, I would also like to say, “Let the fire burn” and encourage those reading to not hold back and let your voice be heard. Who knows? These new words may inspire someone else to follow in your footsteps.