Love is that feeling that never dies. It completes a world with happiness, compassion, and romance. There is that dream of having one, perfect person to feel in one way as I do. Butterflies flit across your stomach, and create a sense that would never be wanted to disappear. Your cheeks flush, blood rushes through your veins, and your face illuminates with the utmost glow. This takes you on a heart pounding journey, and causes a truly spellbinding scene.
I believe love is a miracle filled with such you can never imagine, as everyone has a significant other, a soul mate, or a loved one. It shows respect, trust, and faith.
Honestly, my thought started off with the classic tale of Cinderella. Many troubles erupt in her life, leading to heartbreak, pain, and sorrow. Yet, a single dance, a single night, and a single prince gave her so much paradise that she fell head over heels so quickly. A true stunner – isn’t it? Every person deserves that. They deserve wonder, astonishments, and an individual who can change their lives. This love has a different kiss, a magic sparkling through it, and transforms everything to be much deeper and stronger. This is true love.
My family has backed this up, too, and probably does not even know it. The phrase: “No one else can ever love you more than your family can,” is found completely true. I have been through so much, and would have never gotten through any of it without the help of my relatives. They give valuable advice, total comfort, and even a shoulder to cry on without complaints. This is familial love.
There are so many different meanings to the word “love”, and my perspective on it tells me that it is a deep, intense emotion anyone can have lit upon them, giving a mesmerizing and dazzling view on everything. Love is the affection of seeing one’s flaw and still loving them, of trust and understanding, overcoming obstacles, and matters resulting to strengthening a relationship to the highest standard. Love is learning to see the beauty in everything and embracing it. Love is a miracle.