I believe that Barack Obama should be perceived as our president, not a black man. His election into office was not a great accomplishment for African Americans – but the United States of America. I feel tired of hearing that it’s a battle won for African Americans, because it isn’t only a battle won for them. It also is a battle won for every American who checked his name on their ballot. Yes, he’s the first African American president; but he was elected by Caucasians, Arabics, Asians, and Hispanics, as well as African Americans. It’s a great accomplishment on behalf of the United States – us, the Americans.
I believe that Barack Obama possesses an attribute that could possibly save our country: empathy. Empathy is the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another. He is wealthy, but has grown up poor – so his election brings great hope to the poor because he has walked in their shoes and understands the frustrations and struggles that come along with suffering from debt, poverty, and unemployment. Once he began to hold a political status, he familiarized himself with organizations to help the poor, whereas many other politicians have not. Therefore, his election is also a great accomplishment for the struggling people of the United States. But yet, he is also capable of understanding the positions and needs of the wealthy.
I believe that as a parent, Barack Obama understands the importance of education and family. He understands the importance of education because he has two young daughters that he would like to see perform to the best of their abilities. However, not only does he want to see his own children succeed, but also the youth of America. Because there have been a lot of program cuts in youth education, he is making it one of his top priorities to maintain good education in America – which is important for me, as a student. As a result, this is also a great accomplishment for young people, who made up 23% of Barack Obamas winning votes (18 – 29 year olds). He is giving us, the young people of America, hope that we can successfully go to college and get a job in our field among graduation – and not only finding jobs, but also paying back student loans with realistic interest rates.
I believe that Barack Obama is a source of hope for all people in the United States in some way or another. He understands the views of Caucasians, African Americans, the wealthy, the poor, and the striving youth. One day, I hope that we can link hand in hand – no matter the color of our skin, our religion, or our age – and support not only the United States, but the entire world as Americans.