What I believe
I believe that we are all blessed human beings, for here we are in our present lives. We are here. We breathe, and so we are blessed. For it has not always been this way. The more we live, the more we begin to know ourselves. The more we know, the more we develop our own personal faith in a greater universe. We develop our own tools of guidance to give our personal existence a greater meaning. The universe is vast, and I believe in its order and its chaos.
I believe that our 700,000 or so hours of conscious life, if we live to a ripe old age, can not measure up to the billions and billions of years the earth has been orbiting the sun. Our understanding is limited. But our limited understanding is all we have. So I believe that we must understand that our beliefs do have their limits. So let our beliefs be forever changing, like the wind and the earth herself. We ourselves change with each year. Our bodies grow older, and our minds continue to expand with new information and new experience. As we change, so to does what we believe. So I believe that we must be bother limber and strong in our roots. So, I believe that our belief systems must also be limber. I have observed that beliefs can be hardships that back fire when people hold their beliefs too close to their heart. I believe that some people get too enraptured in what they believe. So beliefs can have a negative affect, if when individuals and groups of individuals begin to set themselves apart from others living in the world. Thus I believe in accepting all religions. And I believe that all religious groups must practice acceptance of all other religions. For consciousness has evolved. Knowledge of the immediate world has evolved. And so, religions too, must evolve. I believe that organized religions must teach acceptance rather than separation and supremacy. Though I don’t believe in any one religion, I do believe that religions are a good base through which one can begin to develop a dynamic system of ethics.
I believe that every thought is a seed from which intentions grow. I believe in the balance of positive and negative. I believe that energy is best radiated with good intention. Meaning, action should seek to benefit others rather than inflict harm. I believe the basis for any ethical system is love. I believe that love is the one thing the world needs more of. For love is what binds us together, and love is the cure for all our suffering. Through love, we can find acceptance of all living beings on our planet. Through love, we can locate our sacred nature and be open to connect with our neighbours. Love is the one thing I truly do believe in.