when i was told i had to write an essay on the subject of i believe..i immediately began to think exactly what do i believe..do i believe in a higher power?? a supernatural being i have never seen. this god person who is suppose to love us unconditionally yet i see the world in one big turmoil of self destruction.
do i believe that there is a lesson to be learned from a child’s tiny body that is suffering with extreme pain from cancer as i watch the small casket being lowered in the ground..
do i believe that sending our young men and women overseas to fight for the country that we live in is right?? do i believe in our children dyeing for our freedom as i hear people all around me complaining about taxes and the high price of gas that is taking too much of their money..
do i believe that the president of our country truly has our best interest at hear as i watch all of our jobs going overseas with a tax break and leaving men women and children at the mercy of our government..as their pride and self esteem diminish.
do i believe that the homeless deserve to be cold and hungry because they are just to lazy to work..as i hear about a 75 year old man that has frozen to death on a park bench or in the garbage dumpster…
do i believe that our elderly can give me good advise when i see that they have to make a choise everyday between their medicing or their food to keep them alive..as i watch the news and hear about a woman found dead in her apartment with open cans of cat food she has been eating for dinner…
do i believe that racism exists today as i watch history made when an aftrican american man has become president of the united states and not one southern state voted him in..
do i believe in memories that are so precious to us that they will last a lifetime….as i bury my husband of 32 years with alzheimer’s and in the end he didn’t know his own son or my name..
yet you ask me what i believe……i guess i would have to sum it all up this way…
i believe that when i go to bed tonight and lay my head on my pillow i will shed a tear as i always do..because i believe that i should have done more to right so many of the things that i have seen wrong today… i should have read the bible and prayed to a higher power (just in case )..i should have comforted that mother who lost her child with cancer instead of walking by thinking how lucky i was with healthy children….i should have taken the time to write to a young man or woman overseas and thank them for putting their life on the line for me..i should have written to my congressman about the high taxes and the price of gas…i should have taken a blanket or a hamburger to that homeless person on the street instead of walking by with a look of disgust….i should have taken the time to ask that southerner why he feels that he is better then the black man…i should have knocked on my elderly neighbors door just to say hi and maybe bring a sandwich to share for lunch..and a kind word…and i should have given more money to the alzheimers association so they could find a cure and no other person would have to forget their life and the people they loved the most…..
mostly i believe that fifty years from now the world will still be as it is today….because no one has chosen to stand for what they believe…this my friend…i believe