Cinderella’s stepsisters had the right idea. If you have seen Roger and Hammerstein’s Cinderella then you would understand. Now don’t panic when I say I agree with the “Stepsister’s Lament.” Cinderella will always be better than them, but in the words of the stepsisters about the prince: “why would a fella want a girl like her!?”
Beauty is only skin deep. Many have heard this saying, but most don’t let it sink into their minds. The reason I bring this up is the reason of boys looking for girlfriends and girls looking for boyfriends. We say this person is cute, but they already have a size two, golden blonde, Prada wearing girlfriend or a well-built, name brand wearing, and perfect skin boyfriend. What wrong with not so size two people that wear Wal-Mart, Kmart, Target, and thrift store clothes? Those girls and guys mat look good but some of them can be so vain.
I am one of those girls, out of many, who are overlooked by those who are so called “better looking” than I am, and frankly I am tired of being looked down upon. Looks are not as important as wisdom or beliefs. Guys should want a girl who is not just a pretty face they should want a girl for her smarts and more. In the movie “Cinderella,” the prince falls in love with her just because she is beautiful, he didn’t even talk to her or anything to see if she was just a pretty face. If guys were smart they would get to know the girl first.
My opinion may be very strong, but if you ask me and some of my friends we would all answer the same thing. Boys should get to know girls and girls need to get to know boys especially if they want to go out. I have yet to find the right to go out with, but when I do he will have to get to know me way better than just knowing my name. I hope those who read this essay will feel the same.
I really hope those who read this essay will really read this and let it soak into their minds. If someone who reads this is only looking for looks and this essay does not change your mind, then I hope you have a nice unhappy life alone. That may be shallow but it is true.