Realist with a Positive Twist
I don’t really have any moving or witty stories to share with others that contributed to the forming of my beliefs. I’ve been through some trying times but I haven’t really had a momentous event in my life, the one that you start to use as a time reference where every story from your past either happened before this event or after. I strive to see the positive side of every situation. I don’t need a religion or a God to live a happy fulfilling life. I do whatever makes me happy, as long as it’s not at the direct expense of others. Everyone seems to feel the need to classify themselves into this or that; Christian, Buddhist, Optimist, Atheist, mover, shaker, doer…etc. I don’t. I never want to fit directly into any one mold. I simply am. I’ve been told by numerous people that I’m somewhat of a realist. I guess that means that I try to see things as they are, but keep an upbeat attitude towards life in general. So far, it’s been working out pretty well. I believe self confidence will get you far in life. Let go of the minute insecurities and try changing the things you are unhappy with. Happiness is relative and for the most part, in your control. Life will give you challenges to overcome but your attitude towards each situation is up to you. I believe that good times are followed by bad and vice-versa. It’s just the natural course of existence. I tell myself even at the bleakest times that things will change and get better. As Shelley once wrote: “Naught may endure but mutability,” meaning, the only constant is change. When asked to write about “beliefs” religion and morals are usually the first thoughts that come to mind, but I believe that there is much more to life than these. I’m a believer in relishing in the simple things: laying in the sun reading a good book, waking up to the sound of a steady rain, sharing laughter with complete strangers, looking at someone you love and feeling completely at peace with the world. These are the moments I cherish and remember the most. I don’t like to write much about what I do or do not believe in because it is constantly changing. What I’m writing now I may be content with, but in the future I always find myself displeased with my choice of words. I feel like I’m preaching to others when in fact, I know that I have no authority to do so. I like hearing other peoples’ opinions and perspectives. I believe that opening your eyes to what’s going on around you gives you experience and knowledge. Don’t confuse knowledge with understanding. You can see other peoples’ experiences and judge their reactions, but until you are placed in their position you have no true understanding of that situation. Self confidence is important, but so is humility. I believe that no one should place themselves in a higher echelon than anyone or everyone else. Some people just have more experience and understanding than others. Never stop striving to become a better person. Always lend a helping hand. Take time to notice and appreciate the inconsequential and the beautiful. Keep learning, challenge yourself. Have an open mind. Speak only with honesty and integrity. Embrace change. This I believe.