I believe in love. Although it is usually hard to find, I do believe it is out there. Right now, everyone is going crazy about the Twilight series and the devoted love of Edward and Bella. People romanticize about the possibility of a love like that, but many would say it exists only in movies and only for vampires. Although I am not the type of person who dreamed about finding my version of Edward, I will admit that my soft spot was for the many books by Nicholas Sparks. I would cry with every heartfelt story wondering if I would ever be so lucky to find unconditional love like that of the characters. I had struggled to find just any boyfriend at all and I had given up the idea of finding my own “love story.” The funny thing was, that’s when it found me.
I wasn’t in any grave danger that needed a night in shining armor with a white horse to come and save me. I was just a normal single teenage girl at a party trying to fit in. But in a way, I did need to be saved. Before, I met my boyfriend, I was very self-conscious and didn’t really like myself, on the inside and out. I would straighten my hair constantly, and wear a great deal of makeup to try and look like the so called, “hot girls.” I was really shy and kept to my small group of close friends, too afraid to let anyone else in. But after a year of dating, he has given me the confidence to feel good about myself for who I am because I know that there is someone who loves me even more for wearing my hair down, naturally curly, with my glasses and sweatpants. He makes me feel beautiful the way I am. I believe in love because it gives you the confidence to have faith in yourself and achieve your dreams. The love that I have felt from my boyfriend, as well as my family, has given me the conviction to go for my dream of being an orthopedic surgeon. I know that when I feel like I can’t do it anymore, their love will pour over me and keep me going. I know that they will always be by my side. Love is always there to take care of you when you’re feeling lost and alone. Living with an open heart is a beautiful thing. It allows you to feel love from all around you. You may be surprised but sometimes, the best love comes when it is unexpected. I believe in love because it is gracious and kind, and it is something that one cannot divide.